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How Do You Spend Your Day?

How Do You Spend Your Day?

by Savannah Carver | | Featured, Tips | 0 Comments

You love working out. Each session feels like a treat, you enjoy pushing yourself, and you look forward to the whole process.

Plus, who could deny the exhilarating feelings we experience after training? Your mood improves, daily problems feel like distant memories, and you’re motivated to improve other habits. 

But how do you spend the remaining 23 hours every day? Sure, you train hard and make steady progress, but what else do you do to elevate your health and fitness?


The ‘Problem’ With Working Out


Don’t get us wrong. Working out is among the most beneficial things you can do to improve your health, fitness, and well-being. A good workout can improve your day, help you maintain your health, and make you feel great.

The problem is, working out can also create a false sense of, “That’s enough for me.” In other words, people who exercise consistently often feel justified for  making less-than-optimal choices for the remaining 23 hours each day. For  example, some folks who hit the gym like to treat themselves with junk food. Others feel justified to sit at a desk all day long because they know they’ll be having a workout in the evening.

While beneficial, working out alone isn’t enough to remain healthy, feel good, and reach our fitness goals.


The Importance of Your Choices Outside The Gym

You might be surprised to learn that many people struggle with fitness not because of their workouts but because of what they do outside the gym. Yes, an hour of exercise doesn’t necessarily make you active. 

Sure, you work out, but what does the rest of your day look like? Are you up and about or glued to a chair and staring at a screen all day long? Do you eat  nutritious foods or justify junk food with claims like, “I work out regularly, so I can eat whatever I like.” 

Work can undoubtedly make you sedentary, and enjoying your nutrition should be a given. But the core message we want to share with you is that fitness should be a lifestyle, not something you leverage to justify poor choices. 

Instead of only looking at your exercise habits, strive to adopt the identity of an active person. When faced with a choice, ask yourself, “Would a fit and health-conscious person do this?”


Practical Recommendations For a Fit Lifestyle


The most important thing to pay attention to aside from training is to nourish your body with healthy food. As the saying goes, “You can’t out-train a bad diet.” You might be working hard and being consistent, but you will struggle to make good fitness progress and stay healthy if you eat lots of junk food. 

We recommend getting at least 80 percent of your calories from whole and nutritious foods and leaving the remaining 20 percent to your favorite treats.

Breaking up periods of stagnation with regular movement is also vital for your health, productivity, and posture. As discussed above, exercising for an hour doesn’t necessarily make you an active person. For example, you could set a timer on your phone to remind you to get up, move around, stretch a bit, drink some water, and resume work or studying. Over time, getting up will become more natural, and you won’t need a timer to remind you.


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